Working with Children Check
Parents and volunteers are encouraged to support St. Joseph’s Primary School and our students by volunteering their time to help in classrooms, school events, excursions, canteen and various other times as invited by the school. In 2008, new State Legislation required volunteers working with children in Victoria to have a current Working with Children Check (WWC Check).
If you would like to volunteer your time at St. Joseph’s Primary School for any purpose/event, you will need a current Working with Children Check (WWCC), this is Victorian Government legislation.
Working With Children Check website
Classroom Helpers Program
Helping in the classroom. Each year our school provides parent helper training via a Classroom Helpers Program. This program provides training for working in classrooms with children. Parents and Grandparents wanting to work in classrooms must complete this program. Details of this program are advertised in our school newsletter early in the school year.
Parent School Association
St. Joseph's Primary Parent School Association (PSA) is a forum for all parents to become involved in the life of the School. Meetings are held twice a term on a Tuesday evening in the staffroom.
The aims of the Association are:
- To work to provide, improve and maintain the amenities available for the school students, including equipment and maintenance of School Buildings and grounds.
- To provide opportunities for social meetings between parents, and promote a spirit of union and good fellowship.
- To co-operate with the Parish Priest, Principal
and Staff in matters relating to St. Joseph’s Primary School.
Ther PSA co-ordinates the following sub-committees; Canteen, Annual Fair, Social, Second Hand Uniform, Catering, Maintenance which encompasses grounds development, and when necessary forms ad-hoc committees to carry out specific activities.
The PSA has a representative on the St. Joseph’s Primary School Advisory Council.
Classroom Coordinators
Each class has one or two Parent Co-ordinators who act as a link between the Class and the PSA.