Enrolment Information

St. Joseph’s Primary School Enrolment Policy and Procedure is available to all parents requesting a placement in our school. 

Policy Statement

Ballarat Diocesan Catholic Schools and Colleges embrace the mission of the Church by welcoming the enrolment of all students and families who want to experience our hospitality.

Applications for enrolment at St. Joseph’s Primary School means that you are choosing a Catholic Education, which requires a commitment to support the vision and aims of the St. Joseph’s Primary School and a willingness to co-operate in their implementation.

2026 Foundation Enrolments are NOW OPEN

Enrolments for 2026 Foundation students can be submitted; these will close on Wednesday 11th June at 4pm.

All of our enrolments are completed online, via the  Enrolment/Online Enrolment Form page on this website.

Our Discovery Tours and Information session dates have also been set and can be booked via the Enrolment/Tour Registration page on this website; or via this link:  Tour Registration Bookings

Tuesday 13th May 11.30am

Tuesday 13th May 7.00pm

Friday 23rd May 11.30am

Wednesday 28th May 11.30am

All of our tours run for approximately 1 hour, they commence with an information session and are followed by a tour of the school and the Foundation classrooms.  These sessions are aimed at Parents and it is essential that you book prior to attending.

Future Year Foundation Enrolments

At St Joseph's enrolments are not taken for Foundation students in advance (i.e. 2027 onwards).  If you would like to receive any information as dates etc are set for the year of enrolment you are looking for, you can complete the enrolment enquiry form, indicating the start year, and we can then email you once we further information for you.

Information Handbook

Enrolment Policy and Procedures

Enrolment Policy and Procedures St Joseph's Primary School


The St. Joseph’s Primary School Advisory Council has a set of priorities to ensure that Catholic children living within the St. Joseph’s Parish, Warrnambool, have a place available to them in St. Joseph’s Primary School.

We welcome all students and their families who share or respect our Catholic faith, values and traditions. Catholic education is supported by State and Federal funding, with families contributing the balance of the cost of educating their children. At times, some families are unable to meet their commitment to the full costs of education. As a Catholic school system, we ensure fee relief mechanisms are available to support families in time of need. We encourage these discussions on enrolment or as these needs emerge.

Early Age

  1. By law, children must have turned five by the 30th of April in their Foundation year of schooling.
  2. Enrolment of Children under the minimum school starting age is not recommended and special permission must be obtained from the Director of Catholic Education Ballarat.  


  1. Applications for enrolment are called for.
  2. Application for Enrolment is made through St. Joseph’s Primary School Office.
  3. Enrolment is offered.
  4. Letters of an enrolment placement offered at St. Joseph’s Primary School.
  5. Parents/Guardians of children beginning school the following year will be invited to a meeting.
  6. Foundation students will participate in an Orientation Program prior to commencing at St. Joseph’s Primary School.      

Students transferring from another School

When a student transfers from another school an official transfer form is required.  Copies of the student’s Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate, Immunisation Certificate, and copies of Reports are required.

If you would like to discuss this process please contact our School Business Manager via email at cduyn@sjwarrnambool.catholic.edu.au or call 5561 1343. 


A Catholic child is defined as a child in which he/she has been baptised Catholic.  A baptism certificate is required at enrolment (if applicable).

School Readiness

Starting school is a big step for children to make. At St. Joseph’s families and students are assisted in this transition through the provision of Enrolment tours, Enrolment interviews, Parent Information sessions, School familiarisation visits and an Orientation Day.

If parents have any questions about their child’s readiness for school please refer to the Australian Government’s information about School Readiness

Parents are welcome to contact the School office to make an appointment to discuss the needs of their child.