Travel to and from St Josephs

Walking and Riding to and from School

At St Joseph's we do promote the Healthy Moves Program and support students walking or riding their bikes to and from school.  We are lucky to have many great paths that lead to our school to enable this.  Any students riding their bikes, need to walk them from the gates to the bike shelter once they are within school grounds.  Any students that are walking or riding can use any access gate to St Joseph's Primary School depending on their path of travel.

Car Drop off and Collection 

Students can be dropped off at any point close to the school grounds and walk in or they can be dropped off in the school loop.  Staff supervision commences from 8:30am, any students arriving at school earlier this will be unsupervised.

Students may ride or walk home, families can choose to park on any surrounding streets and have their children walk to them.

Supervised pickup locations include Botanic Road Loop, Queens Road school gate (please note the vacant land adjacent to the creek, opposite our gate, is Private Property and is not an option for school families to park while waiting), Tennis Court Loop.

Financial Support for Private Car Transport 

Families that live out of town, attend their closest school (Government or Non-Government), live 4.8km or more (roadside to school gate) and DO NOT have access to a bus system may be eligible for the State Government Conveyance Allowance Scheme.  If you believe you may be eligible for this support please contact our School Business Manager on 5561 1343 or via email on

More information on this scheme can be accessed via the Victorian Education Department website

Country Bus Travel

Students living in regional or remote areas of Victoria are able to access a public bus service to get to and from school.  If your child is attending their closest school (Government or Non-Government) they are eligible to access this service for free.  If your child is enrolled at a school that is not their closest school they can still access the bus service but will need to pay for this service.  The cost of the service is $125 per child, per term.

On behalf of Public Transport Victoria, Brauer College co-ordinates the Country Bus system for Warrnambool and the surrounding areas.

To register for this service you need to complete the relevant form and return to Brauer College:

For students eligible for free bus travel:

Students can access the town bus system to get to and from school each day.  Tickets can be purchased on the bus at a cost of $1.50 per trip or travel passes (weekly, monthly, half-yearly $147 or yearly $298) can be purchased through (Warrnambool Bus Lines).  To work out which bus route is most suitable for you, you can call Warrnambool Bus Lines on 5562 7548 or check the for the relevant bus route via this link