Child Safety

St. Joseph’s Primary School holds the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility. Central to the mission is an unequivocal commitment to fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of children and young people and providing them with a safe, supportive and enriching environment to develop spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.

Mrs. Gabrielle Ewing and Mr Matthew O'Brien have been appointed as Child Safety Officers for St. Joseph’s Primary School.

Mrs. Ewing and Mr O'Brien can be contacted by calling the school office on (03) 5561 1343 or email any queries to or

Child Safety Policies and Guidelines

DOBCEL Child Safe Governance Policy

DOBCEL Child Safe Risk Management Guidelines

DOBCEL Child Safe Standards Poster

DOBCEL Guidelines for Police and DFFH Interview Protocols

DOBCEL PROTECT-Identifying and Responding to Student Sexual Offending

DOBCEL PROTECT- Identifying and Responding to Abuse Responding Obligations Policy 

DOBCEL PROTECT - Identifying and Responding to Abuse Reporting Obligations Procedure

DOBCEL PROTECT Reportable Conduct Scheme Policy

Position Description Guidance for Child Safety Officers

St. Joseph’s Primary School Bullying Prevention (including Cyberbullying) Policy 

St Josephs Primary School Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy

St. Joseph's Primary School Commitment to the Cultural Safety

St Joseph's Primary School Engaging Families and Caregivers in Child Safety Policy

St Joseph's Primary School Safeguarding Children Young People Code of Conduct

St Joseph's Primary School Parents/Guardians/Carers Code of Conduct

St Joseph's Primary School Recruitment Policy

St Joseph's Primary School Child Safety Policy Student Version

VCEA School Statement of Commitment to Child Safety


A guide for creating a Child Safe Organisation

CECV Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Action Plan

Working with Children Check

Parents and volunteers are encouraged to support St. Joseph’s Primary School and our students by volunteering their time to help in classrooms, school events, excursions, canteen and various other times as invited by the school.  In 2008, new State Legislation required volunteers working with children in Victoria to have a current Working with Children Check (WWC Check).

If you would like to volunteer your time at St. Joseph’s Primary School for any purpose/event, you will need a current Working with Children Check (WWCC), this is Victorian Government legislation.

Working With Children Check website