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Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students and the wider St. Joseph’s Primary School Community,
The Jubilee Prayer
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.
Congratulations to all of the children (and staff) for a smooth, joyful and optimistic start to the year. There was such a positive energy around St Joseph’s as the kids reunited with their friends and got back into routine. I enjoyed spending time among the Foundation rooms with our newest students as they settled into school life.
I had the best day. We had two picnics!
I had a lovely experience last week which reminded me about maintaining a positive perspective. I was chatting to one of our Foundation student’s mums and asked her how he had settled in on the first day. She replied that he had said “I had the best day. We had two picnics!” I have filed that away in my mind in order to remind myself to see the beauty in everyday events and also to see our school as our children see it.
Staff Professional Development Day
Friday 7th February, 2025
This Friday our staff will meet together to spend the day learning more about the individual needs of each of the students in their care. We call this day ”Digest Your Class Day”. The keynote address will be delivered by Jen Hawkins (speech therapist) who will be exploring strategies to support all children’s learning particularly those with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Teachers will then spend time discussing the children with the child’s 2024 classroom teacher, wellbeing and learning diversity staff.
This day along with next week’s File Box Meetings, the Tell Us About Your Child form and Parent Teacher Interviews form a suite of strategies to enable staff to gather all of the information about the students in their care to best meet their needs.
Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Because parenting doesn't come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource implemented at our school to help support you in the challenges of modern-day parenting relating to youth mental health and wellbeing. Parenting is a learning journey and SchoolTV supports families by providing credible information from trusted sources with practical strategies to help alleviate some of the challenges being faced by young people today.
Watch video interviews with leading wellbeing specialists and browse a library of resources. Each topic is accompanied by factsheets, podcasts, books, articles, apps and other videos.
This award-winning resource helps families build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It will assist you in starting those conversations on topics that can sometimes be awkward or difficult to tackle.
Parents and caregivers are the greatest influence on a young person's life and SchoolTV focuses on empowering confident parenting.
SchoolTV can be access via the tile on our SZAPP, our school's website or the link provided.
Explore SchoolTV today!
School TV - Grief and Loss
Overview of this edition
Grief and loss are feelings and experiences that everyone will face at some point in their lives. It is important to understand that these feelings are a normal and natural response to losing something or someone that was important to us. When we experience loss, it can be difficult to understand and accept. However, with love, support, and time, most people are able to heal and move forward. As a parent, it is important to talk to your children and adolescents about grief and loss, to help them understand what they may be feeling and provide them with the support they need to heal.
Happy Birthday to children celebrating their birthday this week.
Daisy McKinnon, Olivia Cerdena, Hugh Cugley, Millie Hughson, Leo Rees, Mack Rees, Summer Hernan, James Robson, Leo Van Ginneken, Ari Coolahan and India Smith.
2:55PM, Thursday 6th February
Our 2025 Student Leaders will be presented to the school at a whole school assembly in the school hall.
- Louie Welsh
- Jack Schrama
- Logan Wythe
- Zinzan McDermott
- Max Cashmore
- Georgie Milroy
- Milla Rentsch
- Ella Down
- Audrey Wolff
- Elise Perry
3:30pm - 6pm
Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th February, 2025
These initial meetings are designed as an information sharing between parents and teachers. It is an opportunity for teachers to learn more about the students in their care.
Bookings, once open, are made via Parent Access Module (PAM) on the school app or website.
Tuesday 18th February, 2025
A - L Family photos (8:00am - 9:00am)
Individual and Class photos for
Foundation to Year 2
Rooms D3 and D6
Wednesday 19th February, 2025
M - Z Family photos (8:00am - 9:00am)
Individual and Class photos for
Years 3 to 6
Uniform - What to wear
- School logoed blue polo (Not House Coloured Sports Short)
- Navy School jumper
- Choice of sports shorts/trackpants, grey shorts/pants, navy pants, tunic or skort
- Choice of black shoes or runners
- Choice of white or grey socks (no logos)
- No Summer Dresses
- No Sports polos
- No jackets or vests
- A small supply of spare blue polos and jumpers will be available on the day for children who do not have one.
Year 6 students
We ask Year 6 students to wear their new Year 6 polo, those that have them, and for those that don't to wear their normal pale blue polo.
Hair longer than collar length for all students must be tied back as per school uniform policy.
A navy blue or white hair band/clip/ribbons may be worn.
Queries regarding uniform and school organisation
Contact the school office if you have any queries regarding the uniform requirements and organisational aspects of school photo day.
All students have their photo taken
All students will have their individual photo taken on the day regardless of whether an order has been placed.
Class Photos
Class Photos are taken in the traditional format with all children present on the day included in the photo.
Family Photos
Family photos are taken prior to school commencing, between 8:00am - 9:00am.
- No need to pre-order, simply send you children to he hall foyer
- Children go straight to the hall foyer upon arrival at school
- Leave bags in Foyer
- Line up for photos in order of arrival
- Children then return to the playground until their classroom doors are open at 8:45am
Family Photo orders
- Family photos do not require pre-payment.
- These photos will be taken of any family that turns up to a 'Family photo session'.
- Each child will receive a 'How to order family photos' card with an access code for their private gallery. The school will also receive a list of these codes to have on file for parents who don't know the code.
- The gallery goes live on Sunday 23rd February. Families can then purchase a family photo from the gallery.
- Order in the first week for FREE Standard Australia Post delivery.
Order of Classrooms on Photo Days
The order of photos will be starting from Foundation to Year 2 on the Tuesday and Years 3 to 6 on the Wednesday.
Unwell Children
If your child is unwell please keep them at home.
School Photo Ordering Information
Please contact Glen Watson Photography if you have any queries regarding the purchasing of photos and photo packages.
Cyber Safety Agreement
Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Agreement for Students have been sent electronically via PAM for all parents to discuss with their children before signing and submitting. A student version of this agreement has also been printed for the Year 3-6 students to discuss further during class time in the LRC and with their Homeroom Teachers. Our Junior students will also discuss a younger version of how to look after technology and how to stay safe online. These students are encouraged to sign this agreement in their class with specific statements that will be referred to each week and the Agreement will be revisited each term. Please contact us if you need any further information around this updated Cyber Safety Agreement.
New books
I have become a little guilty of finding book treasures in my school holidays and purchasing them for our library. I then become so excited when I promote them to our students, that I forget that we need time to add these titles to our Library Computer System and then we need to cover these books before we can loan them out with confidence. If you think you could spare some time to cover some of these books, either on-site, or at home, then please email me with your interest;
The students would be most grateful to get their hands on these great new books as soon as possible!
New Staff
We welcome Mrs Angela Kelly into the Junior LRC classes this year, while Mr El-Hage takes some leave this year. We would also like to formally welcome Mrs Nicole Saker as another Library Assistant alongside Maureen Bourke in the Library Office. We remind all the students in Foundation up to Year 2 that they can borrow 4 books at a time and they can keep these for two weeks before renewing them. Students in Year 3- 6 can borrow up to 6 books at one time and they can also keep these for up to two weeks. We continue to encourage the use of Library bags for all students to help look after the quality of our Library Books that travel home with students.
New Online Subscription
Please access our school subscription to Storybox Hub!
This year we have paid for an annual subscription to this fantastic online resource for all staff, students and parents to access. Storybox Hub is an amazing collection of stories read aloud by Australian authors, illustrators, librarians, school teachers and celebrities. There is also a huge range of activities, supporting videos and interviews that link to the stories.
Click on the following link and then use our school login details as follows:
Storybox Hub!
Username: StJoes2025
Password: stjoes2025
Mrs Emily Lloyd
Teacher-Librarian/Digital Technologies
Hello all and welcome back to what promises to be an exciting year.
Term 1 unfolds with lots of exciting sporting opportunities. Keep an eye on the newsletter for tryout days and upcoming events. Please note that event dates are occasionally subject to change.
Upcoming dates to mark in your calendars:
Year 6 Tennis Trials - Thursday 6th February
We invite all Year 6 students interested in trying out for the school tennis team. Students are welcome to bring their own racquets; otherwise, the school will provide spares.
Year 3-6 Swimming Trials – Monday 10th February
Week 3 sees our Swimming trials at Aquazone, running from 9:30am to approximately 1:00pm. An online registration process (this can be found in this newsletter) ensures participants are competent swimmers in the outdoor pool. If any parents with are current Working With Children Check are available to assist with time keeping on the day this can be indicated on the registration form. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Upcoming Dates
District Tennis (Year 6) – Friday 21st February
Division Swimming (Years 3-6) Friday 28th February
District Athletics (Years 3 – 6) Wednesday 23rd April
Matt McMillan
P.E. Teacher and Sports Coordinator
In accordance with St Joseph's Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Agreement, it is a requirement for parents/guardians to discuss the agreement with their child/ren and accept the terms.
This agreement is to ensure that all students that have access to the school’s digital resources are aware of their responsibilities and agree to abide by the school’s Acceptable Use and Cybersafety Agreement.
The agreement covers the student’s use of technology equipment (such as computers, hand held devices, cameras, printers), and digital platforms (such as Internet, networks and email. social media, apps, and software).
Permission is required for each child in your family from Foundation to Year 6.
To access this agreement:
- Login into your PAM account
- Select the red bell icon in the top right corner (you will then see the agreement)
- Download, read and discuss this agreement with each of your children.
- Select YES for your child to agree to abide by the Acceptable Use and Cyber Safety Agreement and Use Technology Equipment at St. Joseph's Primary School for the 2025 school year.
- Parents & Guardians of Year 5 and 6 Students will be sent a survey for them to indicate if they wish for their child’s Chromebook to remain at school OR to be taken home and charged overnight.
This is required to be accepted by Friday 7th February, 2025.
In addition to this action at home, all students will go through the Agreement in class with their teachers. They will be required to sign a hard copy of the ‘Student’ sub-heading content only. These contracts will remain with their teacher until the end of this school year. Foundation to Year Two students will discuss the topic of Cyber Safety in their classrooms by using age appropriate language that they can understand and relate to.
We appreciate your support in helping us keep our students safe in a digital world.
Mrs Emily Lloyd, LRC Coordinator
Mr Pat Allen, Deputy Principal
Swimming trials are for those children who are competent swimmers in Years 3 - 6 wanting to compete in swimming.
Once the trials are completed swimmers will be selected to represent the school.
Closing date for submitting this form is strictly 9am, Thursday 6th February 2025. Entries will not be accepted after this date and children will therefore not be considered for selection.
Trials for registered competent swimmers will be held on a Monday 10th February (to be confirmed) for the Division Swimming to be held on Friday 28th February, 2025.
If any parents are available to assist with time keeping on the day please indicate on the form. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Matthew McMillian, Physical Education and Sport Co-ordinator
The PSA (Primary School Association) is a forum for all parents to become involved in the life of the School. It’s where we work to provide, improve and maintain the amenities available for the school students, including equipment and maintenance of School Buildings and grounds.
To provide opportunities for social meetings between parents, and promote a spirit of union and good fellowship. The PSA runs and supports several events throughout the year to raise money for the school and to support our school community.
What do we do? Mother’s Day Stall, Hot Cross Bun Drive, Father’s Day Breakfast, Pizza Days, Art Activities and Canteen support
Who can attend? Anyone and everyone, meetings are held at the school in Room C19 or the staffroom.
How often do they meet? Tuesday evening, Week 3 and Week 7 of each term. 8 meetings per year. Meetings commence at 7:00pm.
- Tuesday 11 February
- Wednesday 12 March (Due to school closure on Tuesday 11 March)
- Tuesday 6 May and Tuesday 3 June
- Tuesday 5 August and Tuesday 2 September
- Tuesday 21 October and Tuesday 18 November
- Date TBA: Parent Committee Thank you evening
How can I help? Come along to the meetings, contribute to the discussion, share ideas, support events that enrich the school community.
We really need our school families to support this group. It’s only 8 meetings per year! Hope to see you there, better still bring a friend!
In March 2025, we have Japanese students from Doshisha Elementary School in Kyoto, Japan visiting our school. We require host families to host 1 or 2 students (mostly 2).
Who: St Joseph's Families with a Year 5 or 6 student
When: Sunday 23rd March – Thursday 27th March
Children you will host: 1-2 boys or girls
Note: All adults (over the age of 18) residing in the home must have a current Working With Children Check (this can be a free Volunteer WWCC).
Catherine Lee, Community Development Coordinator
School Canteen Support
St Joseph’s Primary School has been very fortunate to be able to maintain our canteen being available 5 days per week. This has been due to having Tanya Hughes as a canteen coordinator but also because we have maintained such a strong base of canteen volunteers.
We would love to continue to be able to offer our canteen services each school day, however, today our most pressing need is to increase the number of volunteers we have to help keep our canteen running at its current high standard and for 5 days per week.
We can work around your work roster or family commitments. You can do as many or as few 'shifts' as you would like. A daily shift will commence from 11:00am and you will be finished by 1:15pm.
Training is offered. A Working With Children check is required. This can be applied for through the Department of Justice website.
If you can help out please click the link to fill in your details and availability.
We really hope this request being sent out to all families will increase the number of volunteers, if not, the next step will be to look at changes we would have to make to keep it running which would more than likely mean either less days of operation or more paid time, both of which will have a massive impact on the costs and potential profits made.
Our Parent School Association has very strong support for maintaining the canteen as a service to families, available daily if possible and quality healthy food at reasonable prices. The small profit from the canteen is spent directly on our school grounds program, including play-ground equipment and student facilities. Voluntary help is critical to achieving this outcome for everyone’s benefit.