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Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students and the wider St. Joseph’s Primary School Community,
Online Safety
Important meeting for all Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children and their parents
6:00pm, Tuesday 3rd September
In our ongoing commitment to ensuring a safe and positive digital experience for our students, we are excited to invite you to an important eSafety meeting. This session will provide valuable insights into how we can collectively support and safeguard our children in their online activities.
I urge all parents and children of our Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students to attend this important meeting focussing on your child's safety in the online world. This session will be led by Leading Senior Constable Brooke Pollock and John Keats from Warrnambool police.
Both Brooke and John have extensive experience in promoting online safety working proactively with schools, community groups and parent forums. Unfortunately, they also have responded to many, many instances of sextortion, bullying, online abuse, radicalisation and predatory behaviours. Brooke and John will lead a conversation about:
- Current trends in digital safety and potential risks
- Practical tips for monitoring and guiding your child’s online behaviour
- Tools and resources available for enhancing digital security
- A Q&A to address any specific concerns you may have
This event is Part 2 of a series for the students as Brooke and John will be working with the students on Monday 2nd September. This Parent-Student session is crucial for cementing the learning from the school sessions at home.
First Eucharist
Congratulations to all of the children who are celebrating their First Eucharist.
Eden Tran, Edward O'Donnell, Ella Down, Harvey McDowall, Havana Myroniuk, Hudson Foster, Juliette Smedts, Layla Kane, Liam Hose, Lily Stewart, Louis Johnson, Mackenzie Davies, Mary Fitzgerald, Milla Riordan, Poppy Main, Van Walsh, Vincent Uzkuraitis, Siena Keramaris, Emma Ludeman, Esther Baulch, Evie Bushell, Gracie O'Grady, Greta Lloyd, Ivy Sobey, James Robson, Olivia Finnigan, Rebecca Coghlan, Xander Perry, and Jake Conheady.
$10,000 Playground Raffle
$10,000 Playground Raffle This week every family will receive 4 x $25 raffle tickets. Every dollar from every ticket is profit for our Parents School Association. This year all of the profit will go towards our new middle and senior school playground.
The raffle works like this: Our sponsoring businesses have donated $15,100.
Our winner receives $10,000 as credit to be spent on one or more of our sponsors.
Also, the winning ticket seller gets their 2025 Family Fee credited for 2025 (or that amount credited to a secondary school for Year 6 families)
Room with the Most Tickets Sold
Room C4 remains in the lead for the competition to win a prize for the class for the most amount of tickets sold. They are closely followed by Rooms D2, D5 and B1!
Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Happy Birthday to children celebrating their birthday this week.
Lexie Keane, Daisy Brown, Georgia Hope, Georgia McMahon, Eli Oakley, Eleanor Schrama, Finn McDonald, Riley Kerr, James Prescott, Willa Brown and Jayden Stephenson-Smith.
What an exciting week we had last week in the Science space! All classrooms got to experience an interactive incursion with WILDLIFE ANIMALS. Students had the opportunity to touch and learn about a variety of animals during a 50 minute session with the Wildlife Xposure team. Have a look at the brave students holding some of the animals!

Cyber Safety
- Warrnambool Police Student Sessions Monday 2nd September
- Parent and Student Session: 6pm, Tuesday 3rd September
To further support and educate our children we have partnered with the Warrnambool Police to run information sessions focussing on Cyber Safety for Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.
They will also run a parent and student night at 6pm on Tuesday 3rd September.
Please note that this session is designed for both parents and students and is designed to open up conversations that can continue at home. I strongly encourage all parents of students from Year 4 and beyond to attend this important session.
Congratulations to our Candidates who will celebrate the Sacrament of First Eucharist at either the 10:30am or 6:00pm Mass on Sunday 25th August at St Joseph's Church.
Arrive 15 minutes early and seat your child on an aisle seat.
Offertory assistance
We need 2 adults and 2 First Eucharist Candidates to bring up the offertory. If you are able to assist please email Cara Chisholm
Baptismal Stole
Parents will have received an iron on Eucharist transfer for their child. The photograph below is an indication of a suggested placement of the next three Sacraments - Confirmation, Eucharist and Reconciliation.
Wear the stole with the Baptism and Diocese transfers on the right side.
Piety Shop
With the celebration of First Eucharist coming up, parents and grandparents may be interested in purchasing items from the Piety Shop.
Please be advised that we have had a case of Whooping Cough with in our school community.
Whooping cough (pertussis) is a serious, contagious, respiratory infection caused by the bacterium. The disease begins like a cold and then the characteristic cough develops. This cough may last up to 3 months, even after antibiotic treatment is completed and the person is no longer infectious.
The 'whoop' (which is not always obvious) is due to a deep breath at the end of a bout of coughing. Vomiting after coughing is common.
Whooping cough is particularly dangerous for babies less than 6 months of age. These infants are too young to be fully immunised. They are affected more seriously by the disease than older children or adults, and are more likely to develop complications. Older children and adults who have not received whooping cough vaccination are at risk of infection and are often the source of infection in young infants.
Immunisation is the best way to reduce the risk of whooping cough.
Symptoms of whooping cough
Whooping cough begins with symptoms similar to those of a cold. These can rapidly progress to include:
- severe cough – occurs in bouts
- characteristic 'whooping' sound on inhalation
- vomiting at the end of a bout of coughing
- apnoea – the child stops breathing for periods of time and may go blue.
A person with these symptoms may also have poor appetite, fatigue and dehydration. The person may appear normal between bouts of coughing. During the recovery, the cough gradually decreases, but can last up to 3 months.
If your child is showing any of the above symptoms please seek medical advise and keep them at home until they are well.
To provide opportunities for social meetings between parents, and promote a spirit of union and good fellowship. The PSA runs and supports several events throughout the year to raise money for the school and to support our school community.
What do we do? Mother’s Day Stall, Hot Cross Bun Drive, Father’s Day Breakfast, Pizza Days, Art Activities and Canteen support
Next Meeting Date: Tuesday 27th August, 2024 at 7:30 pm.
How can I help? Come along to the meetings, contribute to the discussion, share ideas, support events that enrich the school community.
7:00am - 9:00am
Friday 30th August, 2024
Our PSA is once again holding a Father's Day Breakfast for our school Dads (or special person).
Children arrive at school early with their dad and enjoy a breakfast of egg sandwiches, egg and bacon sandwiches or sausages in bread. The PSA will provide some fruit, juice and hot drinks, gluten free bread available. After the breakfast dads can walk their child/ren to the classroom for a visit.
Orders made via CDFPay
Orders NOW OPEN. Orders close 2pm Tuesday 27th August.
Sorry, no late orders accepted.
We rely on the assistance for volunteers on this day and the afternoon prior.
Please complete the volunteer form if you are able to assist with setup on Thursday after school or on the Friday morning for cooking, serving or cleanup.
The Year 3-6 students have successfully finished the ‘School Round’ of the Prime Minister's Spelling Bee.
We are so proud of all the students who participated, showing determination to give it a go even if they initially felt worried. The next stage for those students who get through, are the state finals. The state finals are in Week 8 from 2nd September to 6th September.
We look forward to seeing who those students may be when it is announced to teachers on Friday 23rd August.
Wear Orange on Friday
We will be having a WOOF - Wear Orange On Friday 23rd August when students will be able to wear a touch or ALL orange for Story Dogs. We will be raising funds for Story Dogs and you can donate via CDFPAY, now open.
We are very excited to have Story Dogs as part of our school Community. St. Joseph’s has joined Story Dogs as part of a National Story Dogs program that reaches over 390 schools nationally.
Story dogs involves a reading session of 20 minutes each, for 4, year 2 students, each week with our Volunteer Deb, and her dog Sadie. Susie Alexander is the coordinator for our school program.
Please see the Story Dogs website at for more information and read about the success of the program.
Do you have a hotmail or outlook email address?
We have found, this year particularly, that any correspondence being sent from school to any hotmail or outlook email addresses is ending up in your junk/spam folder. This will include your fee statements for this year, and any letters sent out from the teachers.
If you could please check your junk/spam folder for any school emails that would be great.
To stop emails going to junk/spam from happening follow the relevant instructions.
Hotmail users
- Login
- Click the "settings" icon at the upper right-hand corner of the page
- Choose the "More Mail Settings" option
- Under "Preventing junk email" section, click "Domain to mark as safe"
The domain name is
Outlook users
Option 1
- Open the Junk email folder
- Go to the home tab
- Select Junk
- Select Not Junk from the list that appears
- A window labelled Mark as Not Junk will appear
- Tick the Always trust emails from ****
Option 2
- Open the Junk email folder
- Select the email
- Right click it, then select Junk > Never block sender from the menu that appears
- A new window with the message "The sender **** has been added to your safe senders list" will appear.
- Click OK.
Pizza Day: Tuesday 27th August, 2024
Orders Close: 3pm Thursday 22nd August, 2024
Once per term the PSA run a Pizza Day as a "special occasion" lunch option and to raise money for the PSA.
This term the Pizza Day is set to coincide with the school's St Joseph's Feast Day Celebrations.
Children can choose from either Garlic or Hawaiian pizza (Gluten Free options available) which are provided by Pepper's Pizza (formerly Pinkies Pizza) who are one of our school sponsors.
Orders are now open via CDFPay (Canteen ordering system)
There are no canteen orders on Pizza Days and children not wanting to order pizza should bring their lunch from home.
Sorry, no late orders can be accepted.